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Brown to Compete Again for Position of NABU Auditor

Wednesday, 17 May 2017 16:41

The candidate for the position of NABU auditor Nigel Brown will participate again in the selection of candidates for the composition of the external control commission on conducting the audit of performance of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, People’s Deputy from BPP Sergei Leshchenko told Ukrainian Truth.

“Taking into consideration the Committee’s decision dated April 5 about the announcement of competition among applicants, ready to be assigned by the Verkhovna Rada to the Commission of Independent External Evaluation of NABU Performance, I have the honor to inform about my consent to participate in the above-mentioned competition”, as said in Brown’s application, addressed to Egor Sobolev, Chairman of the Committee for Corruption.

According to Leshchenko, through Brown’s promotion, Bankova continues to search the method to control NABU.

“Except for the laws, Nigel Brown returns to the arena – one week ago, he proposed his candidacy for the position of NABU auditor within the competition, announced by the Rada’s Anticorruption Committee. As now Bankova filled the committee with loyal deputies, his chances significantly increased”, BPP’s People’s Deputy said.

As reported, on March 31, the Verkhovna Rada could not assign one of three auditors for the National Anticorruption Bureau.

Brown was already tagged as “tame” auditor.

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