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Court Denies Yanukovych’s Appeal on Confiscation of USD 1.5 Billion – GPOU

Thursday, 25 May 2017 17:16

The appellate court of Donetsk region declined to initiate the proceeding on the appeal on the confiscation of USD 1.5 billion, submitted by the lawyers of the former president Victor Yanukovych, the GPOU’s press office reported in Facebook on May 25.

“The appellate court of Donetsk region declined to initiate the proceeding on the confiscation of USD 1.5 bln, based on the materials of the appeal petition of the lawyers, who are the representatives of non-resident companies of Yanukovych’s criminal organization”, according to the message.

Meanwhile, it is noted that the General Prosecutor’s Office did not still obtain the specified court judgment.

On April 28, it became known that the court of last resort gave permission on the confiscation of seized USD 1.5 billion, belonging to the former president Victor Yanukovych.

It was reported that 7 Cypriot companies, holding government bonds, challenged the judgment on the special confiscation of Yanukovych’s USD 1.5 billion. 

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