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Draft Law On Palm Oil Ban Can Be Put to Vote By End of Year

Wednesday, 06 December 2017 17:23

The draft law on the ban of use of palm oil in production of dairy products is planned to be brought to the session hall as soon as possible, the author of the initiative Igor Mosiichuk noted in commentaries to UNN.

According to him, the draft law can be considered by the Parliament for the next two plenary weeks.

“We insist on urgent consideration of the draft law №3871. We need to urgently stop poisoning Ukrainians, because the pail oil is very harmful. And here, it is important that the ban is put on the use of pail oil in production of food products”, he said.

According to the politician, the approval of the document will stimulate development of cattle breeding and will let farmers to sell milk not at a cheap price.

It should be reminded that the VRU registered the draft law 3871, providing the ban of the use of palm oil in dairy products.

It should be reminded that according to the people’s deputy S. Trigubenko, for two years, Ukrainian virtually doubled consumption of the palm oil.

That is why the politician encouraged the parliament not to delay consideration of the draft law on imposing restrictions on application of the palm oil in food industry.

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