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U.S., Canada and Mexico Conclude New Trade Treaty at G20 instead of NAFTA

Friday, 30 November 2018 16:18

U.S. President Donald Trump, President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto and Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau plan to sign a new trade treaty on Friday in Argentina between three North-American countries, which will become a new alternative of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), CTV reported on Thursday quoting the source in the administration of the President of Canada, UNN reports. “We always strived for signing this agreement on November 30 and were very close to doing it”, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Freeland informed on TV Channel.

Tentatively, the Prime Minister’s press office reported that signing of the agreement is appointed for 09:00 by Buenos-Aires time (02:00 pm by Kyiv) on the sidelines of G20 Summit. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada will accompany Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau during the ceremony.

Previously, in late September, Canada and United States stated that they managed to agree on renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

It should be reminded that the global leaders started arriving to Buenos Aires on Thursday, on the eve of G20 Summit, where they will discuss the global trade pressure supported by trade war of U.S. Donald Trump and China.

As UNN reported, this week, at G20 Summit, China stated that they can reach trade agreement with U.S. at G20 meeting session, if Washington is fair and wants to ease general tension.

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